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Contact person: Sammy Chen  
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +8613530801646
Skype: SammyChen@SZ 
WeChat: 13530801646

Add: Add: 202,Block A,Xin long xin Park,No.50 Fengtang Avenue,Bao an District,Shenzhen

Self Service Kiosk

K8 Face recognition

K8, pass management vertical mod temperature measurement & face recogni Rockchip RK3288 / RK3399 / Qualcomm Mhigh-performance hardware platform, equ industrial-class binocular camera, live facetechnology and infrared thermal imaging msupport face-with-mask identify. It suppor face comparison and retrieval, face-with-mand human temperature detection. It supp alarm for body temperature abnormality. I expansion of various peripherals such as ID fingerprint readers, etc., which can be app passages and attendance system to achiev efficient access control for personnel.
Language:Chinese(Mandarin&Traditional)English, Italian, polish, German, Russian, Thai, Spanish, French, Arabic.

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